perjantai 10. lokakuuta 2014

Sauna / Bathroom / Buanderie

Family of four wanted to have a place to relax after busy week. They had a long garage / storage space that was not in a proper use. The initial idea was to create a spa area with jacuzzi and sauna with double showers on one side of the space and buanderie on the other. After several rounds of discussion and consideration we agreed that it was better to have a more spacious room than a space where you would have multiple activities but little room. Now all the functions have enough space and the general atmosphere is calm and fresh.

As the process goes the plans change (and the final outcome can look still different...)

perjantai 3. lokakuuta 2014

Entry hall / Buanderie

This projects got its starting point when a family of five changed houses. Otherwise they were mostly happy with the new house but with three children they needed an unofficial entry hall where they could fit all jackets, shoes etc. Also at the same time the space should serve as storage for winter/summer clothes and also accommodate washing machine, dryer and etc. Also they wanted to have their cross trainer there. A real multipurpose room! The space in the basement was very basic and all that remained after alterations was the floor. Currently it was in a very inefficient use. The key to creating multiple uses for the space was to build new separations. On one side the new wall serves the entry hall with coat hooks and  on the other side you find storage space for seasonal clothing. Two uses in one go! Enough storage space is allocated under and over the table where you can sort your laundry. New halogen rails were installed to provide enough light for underground space. You can also use the space for drying laundry thanks to ropes that go from wall to wall and good ventilation. Cross trainer found its place in front of the television. The family got all they wished for in a limited space.

Limited space and abundance of requirements leads to efficient and imaginative use of space! 

This is were the fridge used to be
Behind the curtain you will find coat hangers for seasonal clothes
Enough space for sorting out laundry
and for jackets that are in use
Enough space for shoes...
Space for washing machines, before...

This space was separated into two...


Sauna / Bathroom / Buanderie

Once again I had the enjoyable challenge to turn a basement into a lovely family sauna and bathroom  including space for washing machines etc. Family had just bought the house and they hoped that sauna would be finished before they moved in. Therefore this was a very quick and energetic process which benefited from the family's quick decision making skills.
Family had requested a large sauna suitable for conversation and a double shower. Also a space for changing clothes was on their wish list. I prepared three different layouts for the basement area. One of the plans stood out for the family and we developed it further. Once the plan was finalized I assisted the family to source the materials locally as we could not have long lead times for any of the products. All in all the project took 3 months to complete and they got a lovely sauna, bathroom and utility room with minimum wait.
A little extra design exists in the shower. Between the showers you have a colonne with beautiful tile. Inside it you have shelves for shampoos etc. They are available from both sides but are not visible from the general view!

It is possible to have a beautiful bathroom with materials that you can source from shops right away and minimize the risk of delays.

utility room's glass door is like a light element
sauna to enjoy

Double shower with colonne
Changing area on right. Notice smaller tiles where the floor is wet.
Utility room

colonne from inside

Utility room and shower, before...
Sauna, before...

maanantai 3. maaliskuuta 2014

Loft apartment

I got involved with this project at the perfect moment. The building work had started a short while ago but adjustments to the plan were still possible. Therefore we started in good time with the client to think how she was planning to use the space and where she would need e.g sockets and lightning fixtures. We made the first interior layout plan when the concrete was not even laid on the floor so that we would have electricity where it was needed.  We made plans for installation of art so that lights could be positioned favorably towards them. We also planned the location of radiators so that they would have the minimum disturbance for the apartment. The colors on the wall were selected so that they would enhance and compliment the art.

As we were early in the process of making uniform decor for the apartment, I went together with the client to select the tiles for bathroom and toilet as well as all the necessary fittings and furniture. I also planned the kitchen so that all the plumbing and electricity would fall on the right places. I draw the dressing room so that it fulfilled the storing needs of the client.

As the apartment is mainly open space it became critical to select suitable pendant light over the dining table. Naturally it should provide good adjustable light for different needs. Also it's design should be effective enough to stand the openness of the space but still not draw too much attention. It should not be restricted only to this particular space as it will probably move somewhere else in years to come. I went through couple of hundred possibilities and the client selected her favorite one from my short list of ten lights.

As the apartment faces the next door building over a narrow alley it was essential to have curtain system that provides shelter from the view but also lets the natural light flow in when possible. The windows have three curtain layers. The venetian blinds provide the first layer of shelter from view / sunlight. They can be replaced or complemented by light curtains that blur the view from outside but let the light come in. The aubergine velvet curtains block the view when needed. Their main purpose is to give solid structure to the windows and background to Eero Aarnio's XL Double Buble lamp, which otherwise would disappear against white wall. The curtains unite walls and windows with the total decor of the apartment by giving the final touch.

If and when you are building a new house / apartment it is never too early to engage an interior decorator. In the long run, it saves you time, money and nerves!

maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

Bedroom / Bathroom / Sauna

A wonderful green field project! An attic that was not touched ever since it was built in the 70s. High, steeply sloping ceilings and wooden support structure gave room for the imagination to think how to bring bathroom, sauna, master bedroom and walk-in closet into this space. After five or six planning rounds we had identified the most important aspects of what the family actually wanted from the space.  The target was to create a peaceful place for grown-ups where you could still have family time (especially with sauna).
Several windows were added when the roof was insulated. Existing concrete structure in the floor was incorporated to the plan and it made a natural division for the bedroom. In sauna, we used the existing wooden support for the wall and the stone used behind the stove is repeated on the wall on the bathroom side. Therefore it feels like you are walking into a grotto when going to sauna...

Designing a new space is a learning experience for everyone. You learn of yourself, your family, your ideas, spouse's ideas and how to make compromises!

Starting point

Living room / Dining area

Customer had bought a house in the countryside and moved there from a small flat. She wanted to replace all old furniture with new ones. The budget was tight and the main worry with the client was how to get such furniture that would match with existing yellow walls and reddish wooden floor, which she did not want to change at this stage. Only surface that was altered was the ceiling which was painted white. After a rather long search for dining chairs we finally found chairs that have a soft form despite of being modern. When chairs were selected all the other pieces of the puzzle (all other furniture, pendant light and colour scheme) fell nicely into place. The open area is light, calm and balanced. The new linen curtains soften the windows and together with the fluffy carpet join the walls and floor into the total design.

The key element of this design was the dining room chair. That clarified client's taste both for me and for herself!  In every good design you can find the key element that in someway has given inspiration to the whole.


keskiviikko 15. tammikuuta 2014

Living room / Dining area

Family with three children wanted to upgrade their living area from the previous play area style. Originally there were double doors in the space leading to a now guest room. The doors were removed and a wall was built instead.  Upper part of the original opening was kept open and it was transformed into decorative shelf recess with help of slightly shining metallic paint and light spots with possibility to adjust the brightness.
I assisted the family in finding and selecting all the furniture and carpets in the room, as well as the lighting fixtures. I also designed the drapes for the space.
Little special! The small wooden table has double purpose. Not only is it a side table for the living room but also an extra bench for the head of the dining table.

When transforming a space, think if you can somehow use it differently from the current situation but at the same time reach the new target. Not always is heavy building required but e.g. a division can be created without a wall... 

Sauna / Bathroom

Sauna/bathroom was built in unfinished attic under a steeply sloping roof. Here the height of the space was critical factor. It took careful measuring to allow both shower and sauna to have enough height. As the upper benches face the sloping roof, a window was added. It serves three purposes: increased space, better ventilation and the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view of the village below.  Benches we built around the sauna to allow varied seating options e.g for children possibility to sit lower. Small windows from sauna let the natural light pour to shower area. Special recesses were built for bottles and the main one has a light in order to highlight the beautiful glass mosaic. Extra cupboard is hidden next to shower and special plant lights were installed to allow greenery to shower room.

A  space that is not regular and has some "difficult" features can be turned into something interesting by emphasizing exactly the "difficult" features.

Sauna / Bathroom

Sauna and bathroom were built in an unfinished attic. Electricity was available but water had to be built from downstairs. The space is under a sloping roof so it took careful measuring to have enough height both in the toilet and in the sauna. A new window was built to let daylight in. Also it added height for the resting area and made ventilation more efficient.
There are hidden spaces in the bathroom. The mirror is not attached to the wall, but it is a door and behind it, there is space for storage. Also next to the toilet the wall has a small door for space under the roof. In shower there are special in-built shelves for shampoos etc. 

In a small space it is essential to plan everything well and use all the space available even with some imagination.