maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

Bedroom / Bathroom / Sauna

A wonderful green field project! An attic that was not touched ever since it was built in the 70s. High, steeply sloping ceilings and wooden support structure gave room for the imagination to think how to bring bathroom, sauna, master bedroom and walk-in closet into this space. After five or six planning rounds we had identified the most important aspects of what the family actually wanted from the space.  The target was to create a peaceful place for grown-ups where you could still have family time (especially with sauna).
Several windows were added when the roof was insulated. Existing concrete structure in the floor was incorporated to the plan and it made a natural division for the bedroom. In sauna, we used the existing wooden support for the wall and the stone used behind the stove is repeated on the wall on the bathroom side. Therefore it feels like you are walking into a grotto when going to sauna...

Designing a new space is a learning experience for everyone. You learn of yourself, your family, your ideas, spouse's ideas and how to make compromises!

Starting point

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