perjantai 10. lokakuuta 2014

Sauna / Bathroom / Buanderie

Family of four wanted to have a place to relax after busy week. They had a long garage / storage space that was not in a proper use. The initial idea was to create a spa area with jacuzzi and sauna with double showers on one side of the space and buanderie on the other. After several rounds of discussion and consideration we agreed that it was better to have a more spacious room than a space where you would have multiple activities but little room. Now all the functions have enough space and the general atmosphere is calm and fresh.

As the process goes the plans change (and the final outcome can look still different...)

perjantai 3. lokakuuta 2014

Entry hall / Buanderie

This projects got its starting point when a family of five changed houses. Otherwise they were mostly happy with the new house but with three children they needed an unofficial entry hall where they could fit all jackets, shoes etc. Also at the same time the space should serve as storage for winter/summer clothes and also accommodate washing machine, dryer and etc. Also they wanted to have their cross trainer there. A real multipurpose room! The space in the basement was very basic and all that remained after alterations was the floor. Currently it was in a very inefficient use. The key to creating multiple uses for the space was to build new separations. On one side the new wall serves the entry hall with coat hooks and  on the other side you find storage space for seasonal clothing. Two uses in one go! Enough storage space is allocated under and over the table where you can sort your laundry. New halogen rails were installed to provide enough light for underground space. You can also use the space for drying laundry thanks to ropes that go from wall to wall and good ventilation. Cross trainer found its place in front of the television. The family got all they wished for in a limited space.

Limited space and abundance of requirements leads to efficient and imaginative use of space! 

This is were the fridge used to be
Behind the curtain you will find coat hangers for seasonal clothes
Enough space for sorting out laundry
and for jackets that are in use
Enough space for shoes...
Space for washing machines, before...

This space was separated into two...


Sauna / Bathroom / Buanderie

Once again I had the enjoyable challenge to turn a basement into a lovely family sauna and bathroom  including space for washing machines etc. Family had just bought the house and they hoped that sauna would be finished before they moved in. Therefore this was a very quick and energetic process which benefited from the family's quick decision making skills.
Family had requested a large sauna suitable for conversation and a double shower. Also a space for changing clothes was on their wish list. I prepared three different layouts for the basement area. One of the plans stood out for the family and we developed it further. Once the plan was finalized I assisted the family to source the materials locally as we could not have long lead times for any of the products. All in all the project took 3 months to complete and they got a lovely sauna, bathroom and utility room with minimum wait.
A little extra design exists in the shower. Between the showers you have a colonne with beautiful tile. Inside it you have shelves for shampoos etc. They are available from both sides but are not visible from the general view!

It is possible to have a beautiful bathroom with materials that you can source from shops right away and minimize the risk of delays.

utility room's glass door is like a light element
sauna to enjoy

Double shower with colonne
Changing area on right. Notice smaller tiles where the floor is wet.
Utility room

colonne from inside

Utility room and shower, before...
Sauna, before...