torstai 27. lokakuuta 2016

Office in living room

Office room was needed for other purposes but the need of office did not disappear. New location was found in the living room. It only meant that we also needed to find new home for all the books...

As the office space is part of the living room it must fit the style. The table is customized from IKEA kitchen table top and also other items are from the IKEA kitchen line The office had to include enough space for folders, printer, routers, memory units etc. The "invisibility" is particularly important as this space is the first one you see when you enter the flat. Care was taken to hide all the cords and they are hidden behind the furniture and special cover. Additionally a home movie system unit was integrated under the table. The wall behind was painted to give a background that ties the furniture together as an office but also to "hide" the black computer screen so that it does not stand out so much from the whiteness. A nice work of art showing birch tree trunks was installed on the wall to tie all the colors together and make the space softer. Now the office is a good looking solid part of living room and not a cramped eye sore corner.

...and the books found a new home over the sofa in custom made shelves :-)

Before the change
Before the change

Peaceful bedroom

My lovely customer decided that it was finally time to have the bedroom of her dreams. Everything had to go except for a painting. Ceiling was painted, walls were lined with Marimekko wallpaper and a parquet was installed to the floor. The silk curtains were made by measure to compliment the wallpaper. In the end we found the perfect bed from Grange as well as the bedside table. Storage system was made by customer's specifications and fits in nicely to a room that has rather difficult corners and which is not spoiled with space. The room is now a sanctuary and feels much more spacious than before.



Storage system to meet the need

I was given a task to slightly upgrade a young girl's room into a teenager's room. Main target was to make the room less cluttered and unify storaging. The aim was to collect all storage units on one side of the room so that it would not stand out but rather look like a wall. This way one dream was fulfilled as it was possible to hang a big mirror where one storage unit used to be. The interiors of the storage units where carefully planned in order to fit everything that was needed. With rather small steps a big change was accomplished. The atmosphere is now more calm and grown up. And wait until we get the curtains and ceiling lamp changed as well...
